CLIENT | Last Broadcast Records -
CLIENT | SONY MUSIC - Grammy nominated for its album notes _CLIENT | Self promotion - A holiday gift of illuminated spirit
CLIENT | Time Life Music - Doo wop singles boxed as 45 records _CLIENT | Dylan's Candy Bar - Flavor scented bath products
CLIENT | theCOUNTERcorps - _CLIENT | Fresh Paint - Proposed logo for the 2010 - 2011 NBA season
CLIENT | Rewind - This company makes retro products for modern retail
CLIENT | Opto Photo - A collective of photographers _CLIENT | think green - Green is the new black
CLIENT | Urban Acres - Personal gardens for Brooklyn rooftops _CLIENT | Sharkworks - A film and entertainment company
CLIENT | Barnes & Noble - A title treatment for a book about the periodic table _CLIENT | Brooklyn Barkery - A pet boutique
CLIENT | Turner Classic Movies - An event for loyal fans _CLIENT | The History Channel - Many lost their head in this program
CLIENT | V8 Assembly -
CLIENT | Simon & Schuster - A Latin American autobiography _CLIENT | Simon & Schuster - How to write between the lines
CLIENT | Barnes & Noble - The solution to this book jacket was elementary
CLIENT | Simon & Schuster - An adult handbook of lewd humor _CLIENT | Simon & Schuster - A morbid history of rock and roll
CLIENT | Relix - This article discussed the southern soul of contemporary rock music
CLIENT | Relix - A cover story about Lucinda Williams
CLIENT | Relix - The only thing more rock and roll than a black T-shirt is a Jack Black Tenacious D shirt
CLIENT | Relix - An interview with the band Kings of Leon while playing shuffleboard in a Nashville bar
CLIENT | Relix - An interview with the North Mississippi All Stars
CLIENT | Sun Valley Center for the Arts - This series of summer concerts began as the sun went down
CLIENT | The Merles - This band plays country classics in New York dive bars _CLIENT | Climate Action Network Canada